This is actually Will Henry's story. William James Henry is 12 years old and an apprentice to Dr. Warthrop, a monstumologist - one who studies and will kill monsters. With Will Henry at his side, Dr. Warthrop is tracking the existence of the Anthropophagi, a monster that few have seen and fewer have lived to tell of their encounter. The Anthropophagi are gruesome monsters - headless, slimy, large, sharp clawed, a mouth in the middle of their body with teeth capable of devouring it's prey swiftly. Dr. Warthrop must determine how they came to America and how he is going to eliminate them before they wreck havoc on New England.
This story is pure horror. In my opinion, the character Will Henry is too young to see and experience what Dr. Warthrop expects him to assist with. If you are a fan of gruesome horror, a story of bloody carnage so evil you can almost smell it, then you need to read this soon. As for me, I'm not going to finish it. Yep, that's what readers sometimes do. I've given this story many opportunities to win me over but I just can't continue. I have finished more than half of the story but must put it down - I've read of one too many gruesome deaths. Please let me know how it ends if you are brave enough to finish it.
Reviewed by Mrs. Boehm
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