Why did the mothers secretly force this pain upon their daughters? The answer is simple: to get married. In Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See, a girl of the name Lily experiences the ups and downs of foot binding. After bearing the pain, her feet are perfect. The matchmaker is in awe; her feet could get her any man of any status. Of course, coming from a lower class family, Lily would need to show she could handle being part of the upper class. The matchmaker comes up with the solution to provide Lily with a friend for life; a girl who astrologically matches with Lily and can show her what life in the upper class is like. This friend (called a laotong) is Snow Flower: a resilient, faithful girl, who may look like she has it all, but in fact is facing immense hardships.
Lisa See brilliantly uses detail to depict the lives of the two laotong; from childhood until their old age. See shows us that no matter if a woman loses their riches, love, or lives a life of pain: a best friend will stay true until the end. If you enjoy a book rich with history, secrets, and friendship, this is the book for you.
Reviewed by BHS student H. Williamson
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