The Reader's Digest book Food Cures: Fight Disease with Your Fork! is not a cookbook. It has only a few recipes. It enlightens the reader with information about the best foods for certain illnesses, foods that provide needed vitamins and natural remedies for health. Published by Reader's Digest, you can trust the information to be well researched and indexed.
Looking for a natural remedy for acne? Pages 86-87 suggest carrots, almonds, and oranges offer nutrition that will help. Suffer from asthma? Eating onions may reduce the number of asthma attacks. (p. 102) Sufferers of ADHD will benefit from foods high in protein and complex carbs. (p. 107) Rather than a chapter full of recipes, that chapter is titled Healing Recipes which indeed they are.
If you're longing to improve your health in a natural way, borrow this book from your school library media center or public library and start reading.
Reviewed by Mrs. Boehm
A Queen’s Game by Katherine McGee
4 days ago
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