Ken Auletta has written an engaging work about all that is Google with his book, Googled: The End of the World as We Know It. He spent several years learning the ins and outs of Google over the past decade and, like me, is intrigued by Google and most thankful to be able to "google" whatever it is I need to know. Yes, Google is a company and to google has now become a verb. There is no other search engine that can return results in lightning fast speed and with the accuracy that we want.
I must admit that it warms my heart that Larry Page, one of Google's founders, grew up in Michigan. His father was a professor at Michigan State University and Larry attended the University of Michigan. I also take pride in knowing the premise that he and his co-founder, Sergey Brin, based their web-searching 'page rank' on was based on the same principle researchers use when working with a Works Cited list or bibliography in a scholarly research piece - how often a work is cited in print must directly relate to the accuracy and authority of the work. Apply that principle to web searching and you've developed Google.
This book will intrigue anyone who finds the concept of all resources being available digitally online as groundbreaking technology. Dig right in. Google the history of Google. Pick up Mr. Auletta's book and be amazed!
Reviewed by Mrs. Boehm
A Queen’s Game by Katherine McGee
4 days ago
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