In Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson reveals the hidden story behind 9th grader Melinda Sordino's reclusiveness. She is an outcast at her high school. She is not motivated to do anything and she's lost her friends. They are all angry with her because she called the police at a summer party that was going out of control. Her friends don't know why she did that and she can't tell them. She's actually not talking to anyone, not even her parents. She has turned inward and struggles with life. Ms. Anderson has written a story that will draw you in and keep you in its clutches as she slowly reveals details, bit by bit, until you feel the frightening pain that Melinda endured. You won't want to put this book down and you may just be able to finish it in a day, or at least a weekend.
Reviewed by Mrs. Boehm
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