Bobby is a restless 16 year old boy living in New York City - his days are full of fun and pranks with his buddies. When Bobby learns that his girlfriend, Nia, is pregnant his world is truly rocked. Bobby and Nia have caring parents who are full of good, practical advice about the soon-to-be-born baby. When an unexpected turn of events takes place Bobby decides to raise the baby, a daughter, whom he names Feather. Bobby’s love for Feather grows with each passing day, but he soon realizes the sacrifices and changes he must make in order to be a good father. The book alternates chapters between “Now” and “Then.” “Now” is after Feather’s birth, “then” is during Nia’s pregnancy. The story is told in the first person by Bobby - from the perspective of a teenage father. You can truly feel how conflicted and tired Bobby is as he struggles to do the right thing
Reviewed by Mrs. Dunaski
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