Sunday, March 11, 2012

How To Be Creative by Jonah Lehrer

Creativity is not inherited, it's a skill. In this Wall Street Journal article, How To Be Creative by author Jonah Lehrer, he summarizes his findings on who is creative and becoming creative. The article is a prelude to his soon to be published book, Imagine: How Creativity Works.

Some quick tips I've learned from this article:
1. Work with others outside your field or expertise.
2. Relaxation will improve your creativity so take a warm bath, relaxing walk, even daydream.
3. Don't give up. Creativity requires hard work.
4. Forget about the work if you sense you've hit a wall. Come back to it later when you feel you might be getting close. Give your brain cells time to work.
5. Have a diverse group of friends, those who may think differently than you. An insight from them may just be the connection you need for creativity.

You'll find Mr. Lehrer's article and video of the WSJ interview here. Watch for his book to arrive in the BHS media center after it's published. I think we'll all want to take a moment to become more creative.

Reviewed by Mrs. Boehm

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