Having earned starred reviews and national booklist honors, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart caught my attention. As I read book reviews and articles about YA authors, this one was mentioned often - months after I had purchased it for our BHS library. I added it to my stack of books to read and off we went on Spring Break.
Her freshman year Frankie, as most freshmen, is finding her way at her exclusive boarding school high school, Alabaster Prep Academy. By her sophomore year she's being noticed by upperclassmen and she grows from geeky to beautiful, awkward to confident, then wants to be included in their friends circle.
Frankie has an interest in the quirky use of words. Shouldn't the opposite of disgruntled be gruntled? The opposite of inept be ept? What would those words mean? She uses these 'new' words baffling her friends. I delighted in the author's inclusion of this into Frankie's personality. If you enjoy word usage games, you'll also enjoy this quirky side of Frankie.
She also takes on the all boys, long-standing, secret society at Alabaster. Using a fake email address, she secretly directs the boys of the Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds (to which her father also belonged) to take on campus-wide pranks. Throw in a love interest, a distant sister, best friends, curfew violations, sneaking through the campus underground tunnels, and you'll find yourself captivated by Frankie's genius pranks and high school life.
Reviewed by Mrs. Boehm
A Queen’s Game by Katherine McGee
4 days ago