How would you like a chance to win a Flip camera, a digital camera, an iPod Shuffle, a $75.00 Target gift card, or the Twilight series and DVD? Do I have your attention now? It's all very easy - Make Waves at the Brighton District Library. BDL wants Brighton teens to read and to use some of their great resources and services. If you read a book or magazine AND do three other activities, you can enter the contest to win these great prizes. That's it! A total of 4 things to do! And you have most of the summer - that lazy, relaxing summer that awaits you today.
What three things can you do? Well, you could borrow one of their movies and watch it - check! You could try Live Homework Help - check! There's always an audio book to listen to - check! Are those three something you can manage? If not, how would you like to volunteer at the library? They can use your help with the kids' summer reading program. So you've read one book, then read another - check! You could attend a library event - sewing, gaming, knitting, writing, or a pizza party. There's even a spa day! Read all about how you can Make Waves.
If you can manage any of these activities, you'll soon be entering your name into the contest for these awesome prizes. Spend some time this summer at BDL. Before you know it, you'll be ready to return to [oops - I better not say it].
Enjoy your summer vacation. Be safe. Be wise. Be smart. See you in September. I'll be waiting to hear about the books you've read. :-)
Review by Mrs. Boehm