I know. You either love him or you hate him. His points of view can be contentious but in
Kids Are Americans Too by Bill O'Reilly, you will find great advice about your rights. Mr. O'Reilly is quite fair and balanced in this book.
As a high school librarian I've had students ask for help locating books and online resources that explain the law as it pertains to many teen issues - using cell phones at school, curfew, driving privileges, home life, and more. Bill O'Reilly breaks it all down for you here. Beginning with an overview of the works of our Founding Fathers as they wrote the U.S. Constitution, in a humorous, light-hearted way the author points out what governing bodies influence the laws that affect you, how laws are fluid and changing, and differ from state-to-state. The book is organized with break-out sections that include news flashes, multiple-choice quizzes, and true story examples. It's a quick read but a great resource if you're ever wondering, "What are my rights?".
Reviewed by Mrs. Boehm