Levi and Boaz. You'll feel their love for each other, you'll know their pains. Boaz is the town hero. He has just returned from a tour-of-duty with the U.S. Marines in a desert country. The town is very proud of him and thankful for his service. Levi, his 17 year old brother, has always lived in Bo's shadow. Now he's benefiting from his brother's heroism: high-fives from high school students he's not known, the attention of girls, and a new, plum job. Yet the reality in their home is that Bo is NOT doing too well. He's spending his days alone in his room not willing to talk to family or friends. Everyone is willing to give Bo some time knowing it can't be easy to return to civilian life. Levi is not so sure. He believes Boaz is planning something - a trip away from home.
When Bo does set out on foot heading to Washington, DC, Levi wants to follow. Bo will have none of that, he wants to hike alone. With the help of family and friends, Levi persists and Bo reluctantly, silently accepts his presence. Mind you, they are walking hundreds of miles for days on end to DC! What can brothers do spending that much time together? Will they regain the closeness they once shared? Why DC? What is Bo looking for in our national capital?
You'll be surprised. You'll learn about what it takes to be a U.S. Marine. You'll feel sympathy for this family. You'll burst with pride for Levi and Bo. And you'll likely shed a tear - it's that good!
Reviewed by Mrs. Boehm